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Environment variables

Environment variables can be used to customize the behavior of a dbt project depending on where the project is running. See the docs on env_var for more information on how to call the jinja function {{env_var('DBT_KEY','OPTIONAL_DEFAULT')}} in your project code.

Environment Variable Naming and Prefixing

Environment variables in dbt Cloud must be prefixed with either DBT_ or DBT_ENV_SECRET or DBT_ENV_CUSTOM_ENV_. Environment variables keys are uppercased and case sensitive. When referencing {{env_var('DBT_KEY')}} in your project's code, the key must match exactly the variable defined in dbt Cloud's UI.

Setting and overriding environment variables

Order of precedence

Environment variable values can be set in multiple places within dbt Cloud. As a result, dbt Cloud will interpret environment variables according to the following order of precedence (lowest to highest):

Environment variables order of precedenceEnvironment variables order of precedence

There are four levels of environment variables:

  1. The optional default argument supplied to the env_var Jinja function in code, which can be overridden at (lowest precedence)
  2. The project-wide level by its default value, which can be overridden at
  3. The environment level, which can in turn be overridden again at
  4. The job level (job override) or in the IDE for an individual dev (personal override). (highest precedence)

Setting environment variables at the project and environment level

To set environment variables at the project and environment level, click Deploy in the top left, then select Environments. Click Environments Variables to add and update your environment variables.

Environment variables tabEnvironment variables tab

You'll notice there is a Project Default column. This is a great place to set a value that will persist across your whole project, independent of where the code is run. We recommend setting this value when you want to supply a catch-all default or add a project-wide token or secret.

To the right of the Project Default column are all your environments. Values set at the environmental level take priority over the project-level default value. This is where you can tell dbt Cloud to interpret an environment value differently in your Staging vs. Production environment, as an example.

Setting project level and environment level valuesSetting project level and environment level values

Overriding environment variables at the job level

You may have multiple jobs that run in the same environment, and you'd like the environment variable to be interpreted differently depending on the job.

When setting up or editing a job, you will see a section where you can override environment variable values defined at the environment or project level.

Navigating to environment variables job override settingsNavigating to environment variables job override settings

Every job runs in a specific, deployment environment, and by default, a job will inherit the values set at the environment level (or the highest precedence level set) for the environment in which it runs. If you'd like to set a different value at the job level, edit the value to override it.

Setting a job override valueSetting a job override value

Overriding environment variables at the personal level

You can also set a personal value override for an environment variable when you develop in the dbt-integrated developer environment (IDE). By default, dbt Cloud uses environment variable values set in the project's development environment. To see and override these values, click the gear icon in the top right. Under "Your Profile," click Credentials and select your project. Click Edit and make any changes in "Environment Variables."

Navigating to environment variables personal override settingsNavigating to environment variables personal override settings

To supply an override, developers can edit and specify a different value to use. These values will be respected in the IDE both for the Results and Compiled SQL tabs.

Setting a personal override valueSetting a personal override value
Appropriate coverage

If you have not set a project level default value for every environment variable, it may be possible that dbt Cloud does not know how to interpret the value of an environment variable in all contexts. In such cases, dbt will throw a compilation error: "Env var required but not provided".

Changing environment variables mid-session in the IDE

If you change the value of an environment variable mid-session while using the IDE, you may have to refresh the IDE for the change to take effect.

To refresh the IDE mid-development, click on either the green 'ready' signal or the red 'compilation error' message at the bottom right corner of the IDE. A new modal will pop up, and you should select the Refresh IDE button. This will load your environment variables values into your development environment.

Refreshing IDE mid-sessionRefreshing IDE mid-session

There are some known issues with partial parsing of a project and changing environment variables mid-session in the IDE. If you find that your dbt project is not compiling to the values you've set, try deleting the target/partial_parse.msgpack file in your dbt project which will force dbt to re-compile your whole project.

Handling secrets

While all environment variables are encrypted at rest in dbt Cloud, dbt Cloud has additional capabilities for managing environment variables with secret or otherwise sensitive values. If you want a particular environment variable to be scrubbed from all logs and error messages, in addition to obfuscating the value in the UI, you can prefix the key with DBT_ENV_SECRET. This functionality is supported from dbt v1.0 and on.

DBT_ENV_SECRET prefix obfuscationDBT_ENV_SECRET prefix obfuscation

Note: An environment variable can be used to store a git token for repo cloning. We recommend you make the git token's permissions read only and consider using a machine account or service user's PAT with limited repo access in order to practice good security hygiene.

Special environment variables

dbt Cloud has a number of pre-defined variables built in. Variables are set automatically and cannot be changed.

dbt Cloud IDE details

The following environment variable is set automatically for the dbt Cloud IDE:

  • DBT_CLOUD_GIT_BRANCH — Provides the development Git branch name in the dbt Cloud IDE.
    • Available in dbt v 1.6 and later.
    • The variable changes when the branch is changed.
    • Doesn't require restarting the IDE after a branch change.
    • Currently not available in the dbt Cloud CLI.

Use case — This is useful in cases where you want to dynamically use the Git branch name as a prefix for a development schema ( {{ env_var ('DBT_CLOUD_GIT_BRANCH') }} ).

dbt Cloud context

The following environment variables are set automatically:

  • DBT_ENV — This key is reserved for the dbt Cloud application and will always resolve to 'prod'. For deployment runs only.
  • DBT_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT_NAME — The name of the dbt Cloud environment in which dbt is running.
  • DBT_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE — The type of dbt Cloud environment in which dbt is running. The valid values are development or deployment.

Run details

  • DBT_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID — The ID of the dbt Cloud Project for this run
  • DBT_CLOUD_JOB_ID — The ID of the dbt Cloud Job for this run
  • DBT_CLOUD_RUN_ID — The ID of this particular run
  • DBT_CLOUD_RUN_REASON_CATEGORY — The "category" of the trigger for this run (one of: scheduled, github_pull_request, gitlab_merge_request, azure_pull_request, other)
  • DBT_CLOUD_RUN_REASON — The specific trigger for this run (eg. Scheduled, Kicked off by <email>, or custom via API)
  • DBT_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT_ID — The ID of the environment for this run
  • DBT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID — The ID of the dbt Cloud account for this run

Git details

The following variables are currently only available for GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps PR builds triggered via a webhook

  • DBT_CLOUD_PR_ID — The Pull Request ID in the connected version control system
  • DBT_CLOUD_GIT_SHA — The git commit SHA which is being run for this Pull Request build

Example usage

Environment variables can be used in many ways, and they give you the power and flexibility to do what you want to do more easily in dbt Cloud.

 Clone private packages
 Dynamically set your warehouse in your Snowflake connection
 Audit your run metadata
 Configure Semantic Layer credentials